My Weightloss Journey Then And Now

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Many people over eat for many different reasons; mine started from being an emotional eater. I ate when I was sad, when I was lonely and even when I was happy. I remember even as a young child being teased about one thing or another from my last name at the time to the thickness of my glasses due my bad eye sight and then as a teen because of my weight. I allowed what others said to and about me to control my eating habits and my self-esteem. Even when I was thinner (before being at my heaviest) I felt fat because I been told I was for so long that I couldn't see  I wasn't and then when I was larger I stopped looking in the mirror. I had emotional blinders on. In my thirties I became what I call a closet eater. I would go to the fast food restaraunts and sometimes order double the amount of food that I should and then hide behind the buildings thinking that if no one saw me eating that they wouldn't know how much or what I was eating. Not realizing that even though they didn't see me eating as I did that they saw the after effects of the food I ate in that my size was growing more each day. I became depressed and the Dr had me on several differnet medicatons and that caused even more weight gain. I am no longer on all of those medicines. We have to be careful of our emotions and medications. If you are on medication I urge you to speak with your Dr about if it can cause weight gain and if it can see if he/she can give you an alternative medicine without the side effects of weight gain, however do not stop your medications without your Dr's approval. I used whatever reason I could to eat, as eating I felt was my comfort, my friend, my companion although it wasn't. I didn't want to eat so much on one hand yet I found it easier to eat too much than to make myself stop. Food can be like an addiction if you don't control it then it will control you as it did me for many years. Low self esteem also plays a part in your eating habits as well as sometimes in your judgement on what is good for you in your life in everything from food to relationships and many things in between.
Being over weight can cause many health problems from trouble sleeping, to back aches, losing cartilage in your knees and knee pain. Excess weight can also cause heart trouble and the health risks go on.
After years of being over weight I am finally able to start getting a handle on it. Do I lapse from time to time, yes, but not as I once did, because I don't diet anymore for I find if I say I am going on a diet I tend to eat more. I tried many diets and they worked as long as I stayed on them, but once I stopped them I not only gained back what I had lost but many times gained even more. It's like my brain is telling my stomach and my mind that I am hungry even when I am not, so I just eat less of the more fattening foods and more of the high protien foods. I don't deprive myself of my favorite foods even if they happen to be higher in fat, I just don't eat them as much or as often.
Some of the best foods as far as meat goes to eat to lose weight I have found are boneless chicken baked (wrapped in alumin foil to hold in the mositure & spices)or fried with spices in olive oil, lean hamburger such as the 93/7 as it has 9 grams of fat per 4 ounces as oppposed to the regular hamburger at between 28-30 grams of fat per 4 ounces. Also turkey burger is great, you can cook it like a hamburger, or you can make a meatloaf out of it as well as there are many other recipes for it. Turkey burger has about 9 grams of fat per 4 ounce serving as well.  It is also said that adding spices to your meals and drinks such as to coffee and hot cocoa can help to speed up the metabolisim to burn fat faster. I also make my own jucie drinks at times. Mix berries, bannanas, watermelon, V8 Diet Splash all together in a blender, you may also add low fat or no fat ice cream or sherbert to the drink to make a juicy thick shake. It gives you fruits and veggies and antitoxins all in one drink when mixed as such with the V8 Splash. Also peppers asre said to raise your metabolisim rate. I am not saying it will be easy, but it will be so worth it. The health benefits alone are amazing. The main side effect I have had from such a large weight loss is the excess skin I have that can't seem to be exercised off and can't afford to have removed, but even so I wouldn't want that to stop me or anyone form losing the needed weight to be healthy and to fell good about myself. So for now until a way is provided for me to have the needed surgery to remove the extra skin I camouflage it with my clothing. As I cannot afford such sugery I am trusting that God will provide a way.
I hope you will check out my before and after photos to see my progress and I would love to hear from others going through the same thing and to have you share your photos as well.
Until next time...  May you lose the desired weight and live a happy and healthy life and may God bless you...

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