My Weightloss Journey Then And Now

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Emotional Eating To Me Is A Form Self Abuse We Must Put A Stop To It Ourselves.., (I Know Because I Have Done It To Myself Over The Years)

Abuse comes in many forms some inflicted by others and some inflicted by ourselves as in my case over eating due to trauma in my life. I had to realize that although others may be a part of the reason they are not an excuse for me to over eat. I did it as a comfort, not because I was actually hungry. Are we bad and disgusting people for emotional eaters? I say no, we are a hurting people and once we learn to move forward we will grow emotionally and less physically from over eating. Now if you are working on this and find you still at times binge, please don't beat yourself up emotionally over it. Keep moving forward. Don't starve yourself either. I don't diet, I just try not to overeat, have I still done that at times when stress hits, yes I have, however I don't do it every time I am stressed now. We must stop abusing our bodies with over eating.